The problem of insufficient competency in the theory and practice of Euclidean geometry of prospect computer science teachers is considered. In the paper, we update the study of academic disciplines of the program by using modern information and communication technology in education, as well as creative, developing, and visual demonstration of transformation operations for spatial figures and their elements. Our methodology involves the development of algorithmic schemes and software for graphical and analytical solutions of spatial problems by using the constructive method based on modern computer technologies. The dynamic characteristics and design capabilities of education software considered in the paper provide a highly accurate visual representation of mental imaginary and logical operations with Euclidean geometry figures. Regarding computational spatial problems, the great number of visualization programs without reloading the data in the program operation cannot satisfy the algorithmic process of solving these problems quickly and efficiently. Usually, during geometry lessons the course of the process is first the initial input and then the result. In the paper, we show that the continuity of the process of solving spatial problems is provided by the computer algebra software environment Mathcad Pro. In contrast to other ones, this software has graphics editors, formula and text editors, allows continuous construction of polygonal pyramids images, cross-sections and calculation of their areas, construction of reamers of pyramids, side and whole surfaces of truncated pyramids. By using the well-known procedure of polygonal pyramids construction in Mathcad Pro, the authors propose tested procedures for the construction of their elements. The program codes for constructing pyramid elements and its sections are written in a simple algorithmic language. We have outlined ways and means of the interactive methods in learning computer science and geometry, which characteristic features are the acquisition of meaningful subject knowledge by students, self-knowledge, and cognition of their own activities.
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