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gifted children
preparation of future educators to work with gifted children
information and communication technologies
electronic educational resources
online services
virtual website

How to Cite

O. P. Demchenko, Lazarenko N. І., and L. V. Liubchak, “INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN PREPARING FUTURE TEACHERS TO WORK WITH GIFTED CHILDREN”, ITLT, vol. 86, no. 6, pp. 123–143, Dec. 2021, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v86i6.4570.


The article substantiates the importance of organizing special training of future specialists of psychological and pedagogical profile to work with gifted children. It is emphasized that such children belong to the modern «Alpha generation», whose personal development from the first years of life takes place in the digital space, as well as that the use of information and communication technologies is an important factor in the successful organization of distance learning in higher education in solving the problem of forming innovative, creative, competent teachers of gifted children in particular.

It was found out that the communication potential and interactivity of ICT provides the subjects of the educational process opportunities for creative communication, exchange of information, cooperation in performing common tasks, increase interest, deepen knowledge about the phenomenon of giftedness and development of non-cognitive qualities needed for future educators with gifted children. The methodical features of conducting lectures-visualizations on pedagogical disciplines with the use of electronic presentations aimed at forming in future educators components of readiness to work with gifted children are presented. The importance of electronic educational resources in expanding students' knowledge about various aspects of working with gifted children is shown. The experience of creating a virtual teacher's site «Teaching creatively» is presented, in which it is integrated the capabilities of online services in accordance with the didactic purpose, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of gifted children. The teacher's virtual website «Teaching creatively» has a clear structure, its creation involves the use of online services that allow you to design interactive tasks, provide feedback, record educational videos and conduct research. The main conclusion of the study is that the use of information and communication technologies, electronic educational resources in terms of distance / blended learning significantly improves the quality of training of future teachers to work with gifted children.

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