The use of information and communication technologies has become a necessary part of the educational process and has led to changes in the methodology of teaching mathematics. The problem of creation and use of video lectures in the educational process is especially relevant in the conditions of active use of blended and distance learning. The national and foreign source base of the problem is explored in the article. The content of the concepts of video lectures (specially created video based on a pre-developed pedagogical script) and video of a logically completed piece of educational material interrupted by questions related to the revised piece are explained in the article. Creating of video lectures that are part of the Global Innovation Online School's educational platform are described. It has been shown that video lectures can be used in lessons and extracurricular event. In a math lesson, video lectures can be used at different stages of the lesson for different purposes: at the beginning of the lesson - in order to update the basic knowledge; when explaining new material - to provide interest and motivation to learn the topic; at the end of the lesson - to consolidate the material learned, develop skills and gain experience. Besides, video lectures can be used to replicate the learned material or to organize blended learning (for example, an ‘flipped classroom’) after lessons. Survey results of over 500 students of 5-6 forms are presented, as well as their attitudes toward using video lectures in the process of mathematics teaching are clarified. It is found that the vast majority of students enjoy watching mathematics teaching videos and learning in this way. The introduction of video lectures diversifies the process of teaching mathematics. In addition, everyone works at a convenient pace, in a convenient mode, in a convenient place and at a convenient time. Further exploration of technical, methodological, content, aesthetic and other components of video lectures, is promising in the future.
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R. Kay, “Exploring the Use of Video Podcasts in Education: A Comprehensive Review of the Literature”. Computers in Human Behavior, vol. 28 (3), pp. 820-831, 2012. doi: 201228. 820-831. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2012.01.011. (in English)
Interactive lecture, [Online]. Available: https://serc.carleton.edu/onramps/Interactive_Lect.html. Accessed on: May 7, 2021. (in English)
A. Hansch, K. McConachie, Ph. Schmidt, L. Hillers, Ch. Newman, and Th. Schildhauer, “The Role of Video in Online Learning: Findings From the Field and Critical Reflections”, Top MOOC Research Project, Berlin, Fb.20.2015. [Online]. Available: https://www.hiig.de/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/TopMOOC_Final-Paper.pdf. Accessed on: May 7, 2021. (in English)
S. Chew, I-L. Cheng, and N. Chen, “Yet Another Perspectives About Designing and Implementing a MOOC”, in Open Education: from OERs to MOOCs, M. Jemni (Eds), Kinshuk, and K.Khribi, Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2016, pp. 117–133. doi:
1007/978-3-662-52925-6_6. (in English)
J. Inman, and S. Myers, “Now Streaming: Strategies That Improve Video Lectures”, IDEA, Paper #68, March 2018, [Online]. Available: https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED588350.pdf. Accessed on: May 7, 2021. (in English)
S. Hardman, “These Six Features Make Video Lectures More Interactive”. [Online]. Available: https://blog.library.tc.columbia.edu/b/18845-These-Six-Features-Make-Video-Lectures-More-Interactive . Accessed on: May 7, 2021. (in English)
E. Alpay, and S. Gulati, “Student-led podcasting for engineering education”, European Journal of Engineering Education, vol.35 (4), pp. 415 – 427, August 2010. doi:10.1080/03043797.2010.487557. (in English)
M. Ronchetti, “Using video lectures to make teaching more interactive”, International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 5(2), pр. 45 – 48, June 2010. doi:10.3991/ijet.v5i2.1156. (in English)
M. Gilardi, P. Holroyd, P. Newbury, and Ph. Watten, “The effects of video lecture delivery formats on student engagement”, in Science and Information (SAI) Conference, London, 28-30 July 2015, pp. 791 – 796. (in English)
I.-C. Hung, Kinshuk, and N.-S. Chen, “Embodied interactive video lectures for improving learning comprehension and retention”, Computers & Education, vol. 117, pp. 116-131, Fb. 2018. doi:10.1016/ j.compedu.2017.10.005. (in English)
Interactive lecture, [Online]. Available: https://serc.carleton.edu/onramps/Interactive_Lect.html. Accessed on: May 7, 2021. (in English)
GIOS – «Global Innovative Online School». [Online]. Available: https://gioschool.com. Accessed on: May 7, 2021. (in Ukrainian)

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