The educational system of Ukraine, like those of most countries in the world, was not ready for the long-term changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The survey of participants of the educational process revealed that 25% of secondary school students did not start the educational process at all for various reasons, which indicates the need to rethink and restructure the educational process based on new organizational and methodological approaches. The article presents the results of a study of the data of the survey “Challenges of distance learning” conducted by the Institute of Gifted Child of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine from 25.05.2020 to 10.08.2020 on determining the opinion of participants of the educational process in conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of the study was to determine the features of distance learning and identify the disadvantages and advantages of distance education for individual participants (parents, students, educators). The research used statistical methods: summarizing and grouping data and visualization methods for their presentation, the method of testing hypotheses using the chi-square criterion, as well as analysis of variance. Respondents evaluated the effectiveness of forms and means of distance learning for different age groups of secondary school students, in particular, the importance for the educational institution of a unified learning platform, resources, partnership, individual choice of forms and methods of distance learning by the teacher, reasonable workload, weekly planning. Educators evaluate the existing measures to improve the effectiveness of distance learning higher than students and parents. In general, parents' assessment of the effectiveness of remote forms and means is the lowest. The study identified gender characteristics of views on the quality of distance learning. In addition, the survey participants, based on their experience, outlined a vision for the future of the educational system.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Наталія Поліхун, Оксана Вільчинська, Ірина Сліпухіна, Катерина Постова