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pre-school education
speech competence
correctional and developmental assistance
information and communication technologies
digital games

How to Cite

H. M. Mytsyk, “THE USE OF DIGITAL GAMES IN THE PREVENTION OF READING DISORDERS OF CHILDREN IN PRE-SCHOOL-AGE”, ITLT, vol. 87, no. 1, pp. 68–80, Mar. 2022, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v87i1.4638.


In the context of the approval of the new edition of the Basic Component of Preschool Education (State Standard for Preschool Education), the importance of children’s speech competence development during preschool education is focused in the article. It is indicated thatthe abilities necessary in the subsequent stages of school life should be developed at this level, among which is the ability to read. The reading disorder as the causes of the appearance of dyslexia is defined, an opinion on the timeliness of identifying children at risk and providing them with correctional and developmental assistance to avoid negative psychosocial consequences in the future while studying at educational institutions is expressed. The directions of scientific searchesfor effective means of early prevention of disorders of the reading process in older preschool children are defined, the main achievements of foreign and national scientists in this area are compiled, the advantages of using information and communication technologies for propaedeutic purposes are highlighted. A vision of a partial solution to the problem of preventing the appearance of disorders of the reading process in older preschool children through the usage of digital games in the system of providing correctional and developmental assistance is stated. It is noted that the dissemination of our developments, which highlights the practice of their usage to prevent dyslexia in older preschool children is very important in this aspect. As an example, several variants of the author's digital games from the indicated problematic are proposed. It is stated that the achievement of a positive effect of their using by a speech therapist in the correctional and pedagogical process is possible providing the relevant requirements. It is proved that the usage of digital games in the provision of correctional and developmental services makes it possible to organize appropriate work not only in synchronous but also in asynchronous modes, which is quite convenient, first of all, in interaction with children living in geographically remote rural areas difficult to access to educational institutions.

PDF (Ukrainian)


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