The article focuses on the use of Digital Learning Technology for the development of foreign language communicative and methodological competences of future foreign language teachers in the process of linguomethodological training. The author provides definitions for “methodological competence of future foreign language teachers” and “Digital Learning Technology”. The didactic typology of digital learning tools to be used at different stages of developing and testing of all aspects of foreign language communicative competence and speech activities has been suggested by the author. The article deals with the use of the blended method via the MyEnglishLab e-platform, which ensures online interaction, individualised, autonomous and asynchronous way of developing students’ English communicative competence. The author used her English teaching experience to describe, define and provide examples of a new variety of project-based learning: digitised project. The innovativeness of the presented methods involving the use of digital learning tools (e.g. software tools, e-platforms, multimedia tools, e-resources) has resulted in interactive, productive and creative English learning. A wide range of new teaching methods (blended learning, flipped classroom, edutainment, professionally oriented project-based learning activities, screencast technology, webquest technology) for the development of methodological competence of future foreign language teachers with Digital Learning Technology use has been demonstrated. Special focus has been made on blog technology (teacher’s and student’s blogging), which gives the possibility to produce and showcase professional information and activity using multimedia tools (dynamic and static images, video, etc.). Based on the scientific observation, questionnaire and survey, the frequency of digital learning tools use, their diversity, advantages and disadvantages in the process of linguomethodological training of students at Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University have been determined. Thus, the feasibility of the suggested methodology of Digital Learning Technology use in linguomethodological training of future foreign language teachers has been proved experimentally and using methods of mathematical statistics.
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