The study examines the problem of using augmented and virtual reality in the process of blended learning in general secondary education. Analysis of recent research and publications has shown that the use of augmented and virtual reality in the educational process has been considered by scientists. However, the target group in these studies is students of higher education institutions. Most of the works of scientists are devoted to the problem of introducing augmented reality into the traditional educational process. At the same time, the use of augmented and virtual reality technologies in the process of blended learning remains virtually unexplored. The study analyzes the meaning of the concept of "blended learning". The conceptual principles of blended learning are considered. It has been found that scholars differ in their understanding of the concept of "blended learning". Sometimes researchers distinguish between the components of blended learning: full-time and online learning. The study presents the special advantages of blended learning and the taxonomy of blended learning. It was found that there are some difficulties in implementing blended learning. The article outlines the practical use of virtual and augmented reality. The definition of augmented and virtual reality is given. The mixed reality is considered as a separate kind of notion. Separate applications of virtual and augmented reality that can be used in the process of blended learning are considered (MEL Chemistry VR; Anatomyou VR; Google Expeditions; EON-XR). As a result of the study, the authors propose possible ways to use augmented reality in the educational process. The model of using augmented and virtual reality in blended learning in general secondary education institutions was designed. It consists of the following blocks: goal; teacher’s activity; forms of education; teaching methods; teaching aids; organizational forms of education; pupil activity and results. Based on the model, the methodology of using augmented and virtual reality in blended learning in general secondary education was developed. The methodology contains the following components: target component, content component, technological component and resultant component. The methodology is quite universal and can be used for any subject in general secondary education. The types of lessons in which it is expedient to use augmented (AR) and virtual reality(VR) are determined. Recommendations are given at which stage of the lesson it is better to use AR and VR tools (depending on the type of lesson).
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