The article deals whih the results of the experimental verification of the methodology of use the information and digital learning environment as a tool for the development of teachers’ civic competence. The experimental verification was carried out during a comprehensive study in 2018-2019. The authors of this study diagnosed the level of developing teachers’ civic competence by questionnaires (incoming and outgoing) in the control (122 people) and experimental (129 people) groups. The description of criteria, levels and descriptors of assessment of civic competence of a teacher in an information and digital learning environment is given. Particular attention is paid to the attitude of teachers, school principals, methodologists and in-service teacher training specialists to the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) to create and develop an information and digital learning environment in educational institutions, and the use of digital tools in in-service teacher training institutions for civic education in schools. The purpose of the article is to prove the effectiveness of the methodology of using the information and digital learning environment as a tool for increasing teachers’ level of civic competence and to highlight the process of the implementation of civic education in Ukrainian schools. In this study we have developed the main components of the methodology of using the information and digital learning environment as a means of developing teachers’ civic competence, which constitutes the novelty of the study. The information and digital learning environment is an effective tool for raising the level of teachers’ civic competence and a tool for implementing civic education in secondary school, which is the practical significance of the study.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Olena O. Hrytsenchuk, Сергій Трувачов