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computer psychodiagnostics
gifted students
online psychological testing

How to Cite

O. L. Muzyka, O. O. Muzyka, and Osnadchuk Y. О., “DEVELOPMENT OF E-PLATFORM FOR PSYCHOLOGICAL ONLINE TESTING OF GIFTED SENIOR PUPILS AND STUDENTS”, ITLT, vol. 89, no. 3, pp. 162–177, Jun. 2022, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v89i3.4700.


The article analyzes the features of modern psychological online testing. It is established that the development of computer psychodiagnostics is facilitated by the obtained data on the equivalence of psychometric indicators of paper and computer tests. The need for ICT to support psychological research and the development of an electronic platform for online testing of gifted senior pupils and students is substantiated. The e-platform was developed in accordance with the recommendations of the International Test Commission on technology, quality, control and security of computer and Internet testing. E-platform "Giftedness TEST ONLINE" consists of four blocks: 1) research management; 2) testing and feedback; 3) processing and storage of information; 4) methodological support and development of new methods. The requirements for computer psychodiagnostic methods used on the electronic platform, as well as for computer psychodiagnostic techniques are described. First of all, it is the focus on the values of gifted people in the areas of social interaction, development of abilities and maintaining self-identity. The tasks of the tests should correspond to the increased level of intelligence, take into account the critical thinking, promote the development of reflection and direct gifted senior pupils and students to self-development of abilities. It is important to implement the following feedback requirements: a) subjects should receive reports on test results and their individual interpretation; b) interpretations of the results for the subjects should not go beyond the theoretical foundations of the test, be accessible, free from evaluative judgments, promote reflection and self-regulation, encourage self-development; c) respondents should be able to ask questions or make suggestions to the organizers of testing. A comparative analysis of the results of the research was made with the help of the developed beta version of the electronic platform (online) and with the help of paper tests (offline). Empirical research has shown that students prefer online testing on such parameters as presentation of stimulus material, availability of test results, and alignment with values and lifestyles.

PDF (Ukrainian)


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