The article analyses the problem of graphic training of future specialists in the field of digital technologies. The relevance of the application of the project method in the process of students studying 3d-modeling and printing technologies is substantiated, which will increase the level of practical skills and abilities of students in accordance with the requirements of the labor market. Features of realization of design technologies in a technique of training of technologies of spatial modeling with use of the specialized software are defined. Modern technologies of three-dimensional modelling and printing are analysed. It has been established that the ArchiCAD software environment is the most effective for building models of architectural objects, the use of which improves the quality of the performed graphic works and makes them more visual for evaluating design solutions, in particular, when creating digital spatial models based on the use of BIM-technologies. A comparative analysis of the software for 3D printing of the layout has been carried out. Based on the analysis, the Cura software environment was selected. Its advantages have been established in accordance with the criteria of convenience and an intuitive interface at the stage of studying 3D printing technologies by students. A methodology for the graphic training of future specialists in the field of digital technologies has been developed, which is presented on the example of building a model of an architectural object – a university church. For experimental verification of the effectiveness of the proposed methodology, a pedagogical experiment was carried out. The results of the experiment confirmed the effectiveness of the developed methodology, which contributes to the formation of future specialists' practical skills in working with 3D technologies. The prospects for further research have been identified, which consist in the development of appropriate methodological support and its implementation in the educational process. It is noted that in the future there is a need to improve the methods of teaching students the technology of 3D modeling and printing, in particular, to reproduce the interior of the simulated object using the appropriate software.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Ігор Васильович Гевко, Ольга Ігорівна Потапчук, Ірина Богданівна Луцик, Олександр Богданович Ящик, Леся Леонідівна Макаренко