The research features the results of the effective introduction of information and communication technologies (ICT) into the process of senior preschoolers’ moral education in preschool educational institutions (PEI). The benefits of ICT implementation in preschool education in different countries are discussed, and the balance between ICT and moral education is clarified. The necessity to find new approaches to increase the level of senior preschoolers’ moral education was emphasized, which determined the topicality of the raised scientific problem. An experimental study of ICT implementation in the senior preschoolers’ (n = 432) moral education was conducted, which included constitutive, formative and control stages. Criteria (cognitive, emotional and value-oriented, behavioral), their indexes and levels of senior preschoolers’ moral education were specified. Based on the diagnostic method “Me and My Friends”, the initial levels (high, sufficient, medium and low) were determined. An experimental method of ICT implementation in senior preschoolers’ moral education is presented. This method was developed considering the requirements of the Basic Component of Preschool Education of Ukraine (2021) and partial program (additional thematic program on the organization of moral education in preschool education) “Treasury of Morality” (2020). The method is aimed at building children’s positive attitude to ICT as a source of information that promotes the consolidation of knowledge about moral norms and development of skills of moral behaviour in society. The educational potential of ICT is analyzed, which should be implemented to increase the level of senior preschoolers’ moral education, namely: videos, multimedia presentations, cartoons, video tales, online games, smart cards etc. The sequence of the method implementation at the information-introductory, reconstructive-formative and affirmative-consolidating stages is revealed. The effectiveness of ICT implementation in the senior preschoolers’ moral education was assessed at the control stage. Positive dynamics of high and sufficient levels in senior preschoolers’ moral education in the experimental group (EG) is proved to have risen. Importance of the ICT introduction into the modern system of senior preschoolers’ moral education of PEI is confirmed. The following prospective directions of the initiated study are outlined: interaction with parents in the context of children’s moral education involving ICT, ensuring consistency of PEI and primary school in children’s moral education, as well as the development of moral competence of university students majoring in “Preschool education”.
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