The article describes the structure and specific features of the «Engineering and Computer Graphics» innovative course developed to optimize the teaching of engineering and graphic disciplines at the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”. The course includes a series of video lectures, teaching materials, options for study tasks and examples of their completion in CAD AutoCAD. The course still keeps in itself the key components of the education and methodology complex of teaching engineering and graphic subjects at universities in traditional education. When creating an innovative course, the content was updated and the method of teaching the subject was changed. So much more time is spent on three-dimensional modeling, and the production of design documentation is already performed on the basis of built models of objects. In addition, the content of the course was supplemented by the section «Parameterization». The study of the educational material of the section allows students to develop significantly new professional skills and abilities such as the experience to use indirect parameterization of sectioning of parts to model their three-dimensional images; ability to create electronic libraries of drawings of homogeneous components, etc. Such is the use of parameterization saves the time spent to prepare the electronic design documentation and allows more opportunities for additional control of its quality.The process of performing educational tasks is as close as possible to what is happening in modern production. The article has the examples of how students completed the study tasks dedicated to specific topics of the course.
Cloud-oriented technologies were used for easy access to educational material. Links to the course resources are posted on the distance learning platform "Sikorsky" NTUU "KPI".
As an experiment, the course has been introduced into the study process at some faculties of the university. The obtained result of using the innovative course in education testifies to increase of quality of training against growth of a role and increase of motivation of independent educational and cognitive activity of students.
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