The article is devoted to the problem of application of project-digital activities in the educational process of a higher education institution as a means of forming digital competence of humanities specialties’ students. The essence of the concepts of ‘digital competence’, ‘project-digital activity’, and ‘digital project’ was analysed. The expediency of educational digital projects implementation in educational process of higher education institutions is proved. The components of digital competency of students are determined. The article proves that one of the factors contributing to the educational process effective development in a modern higher education institution is the forming of digital competence of students by means of project-digital activity. The types of digital content tools in the course of students’ project-digital activity were presented and analysed. The algorithm of interaction among the participants of the project-digital activity in the learning environment is considered. As a result of the study, it was found that design and digital activity in the experimental group contributed to: the formation of a high level of digital competence of students of humanitarian specialties; reaching agreement in the student educational environment; improving communication skills; development of students' ability to find the necessary information in the digital space with its subsequent application to achieve the goal of a digital educational project. Experimental verification of the developed methodology for the formation of digital competence of students of humanitarian specialties has proven its effectiveness. Potential ways to increase the efficiency of digital competence formation have been identified: development of clear and generally accepted criteria and levels of digital competence formation; formation of digital competence through activities, ie the creation of their own digital content, its support, communication between the subjects of the digital environment and the presentation of the result as their own creativity in the digital world; creation of a convenient and acceptable system of monitoring and testing the level of digital competence of students.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Олексій Наливайко , Андрій Прокопенко , Наталя Кабусь , Світлана Хатунцева , Оксана Жукова , Наталія Наливайко