The article highlights the problem of openness, accessibility, ease of use the quality scientific sources reference information, the content of which is authoritative, relevant and, at the same time, presented in small volumes. This should be the content of modern encyclopedic resources, which we consider from the standpoint of e-infrastructures that can contribute to the development of any scientific field and discipline. To achieve this goal, the authors conducted an advanced search of scientific content on encyclopedic topics in the most authoritative scientometric and abstract databases that select high-quality scientific content, namely: Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar, Open Ukrainian Citation Index, Russian Index of Scientific Citation, ScienceDirect , Directory of Open Access Journals, ERIH PLUS.
The search results are analyzed, systematized according to various criteria (year of publication, type of the document, country and region, language of the original text, field of science, publisher) and summarized. Conclusions on the availability of science literature on encyclopedics in international databases and the extent of coverage of this area of scientific research are presented. The article contains a brief description of the 12 most authoritative scientometric and abstract databases, the authors focus on the analytical and search functionality of the particular platforms. A carefully described method of creating search queries and features of quantitative data analysis are presented in the article. The results are systematized, presented in tables and graphically visualized. The information on electronic encyclopedias has been specified.
Prospect for further research is to be the content analysis of publications on specific topics in scientometric and abstract databases. The narrowing of the scope of query search to three databases (WoS, Scopus, OUCI) and Derwent Innovations Index that give the greatest coverage of sources and have a convenient functionality for ranking by citation is proved. Restrictions for the content analysis of the following search queries for "online encyclopedia" in scientific periodicals and patent databases are also justified.
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