The article characterizes the typology of electronic resources in the field of media education. The types of electronic resources that can be successful for the development of pupils’ and students’ infomedia literacy are identified. The expert evaluation of the effectiveness of electronic resources for the formation of infomedia literacy is conducted. Media education is characterized as a process of learning and self-learning through the media, as a scientific and educational field of activity aimed at the formation of psychological protection against manipulation and the formation of media literacy of the individual. It is shown that infomedia literacy is characterized by a set of markers: media literacy, critical thinking, social tolerance, resistance to influences, fact-checking, information literacy, digital security, ability to prevent risks in communication, visual literacy; ability to implement ideas through online tools, ability to use media for social good. It is substantiated that the development of infomedia literacy is greatly facilitated by Internet resources. The analysis of electronic educational Internet resources made it possible to classify them: video content (webinars, educational series, media texts, YouTube channels, etc.); audio content (podcasts); educational platforms (Prometheus, Ed-Era, IREX, 4mama and similar); text resources (online tutorials, e-dictionaries, etc.); creolized resources (comics, doodles, posters, infographics, etc.); game content (online games); social networks and discussion Internet platforms; specialized popular science sites (sites of scientific laboratories, public organizations; sites created at universities, etc.). The expert assessment of the degree of potential impact of Internet resources on the development of infomedia literacy was conducted. According to the results of the expert assessment, educational platforms (Prometheus, Ed-Era, IREX, 4mama and similar), video content (webinars, educational series, YouTube channels, etc.) and text resources (online manuals, e-dictionaries, etc.) most effectively influence the development of the largest number of markers of infomedia literacy.
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