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professionally oriented rhetorical competence
pedagogical rhetoric
electronic educational resources
future teachers
pedagogical college

How to Cite

O. A. Kucheruk, O. I. Hyliarska, O. V. Karaman, H. R. Korytska, and N. M. Dyka, “THE USE OF ELECTRONIC EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES FOR THE FORMATION OF RHETORIC COMPETENCE OF FUTURE TEACHERS IN PEDAGOGICAL COLLEGES”, ITLT, vol. 92, no. 6, pp. 35–60, Dec. 2022, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v92i6.4803.


The article deals with the problem of using electronic educational resources for the formation of professionally oriented rhetorical competence of future teachers in pedagogical colleges. Professionally oriented rhetorical competence is considered as one that will allow future teachers to prove themselves as convincing speakers and achieve success in the professional activity. Having analyzed theoretical positions and synthesized various scientific ideas, the essence of concepts "rhetorical competence", "rhetorical competence of the teacher", "professionally oriented rhetorical competence of the teacher of primary school", "electronic educational resources" is specified. According to the questionnaire and individual survey of teachers of pedagogical colleges, the real state of using electronic educational resources in the process of professional training of students of pedagogical colleges has been clarified. The educational potential of separate electronic resources is determined, their review from the point of view of expediency of use for formation of professionally oriented rhetorical competence of future teachers in pedagogical colleges is carried out. The educational potential of individual electronic resources is determined, a review is made of them from the point of view of the appropriateness of their use for the formation of professionally oriented rhetorical competence of future teachers in pedagogical colleges. The development of the personal website "Workshop of pedagogical rhetoric" is presented, the rhetorical and educational potential of the blog "Linguistic-methodological workshop of the Ukrainian philologist" is revealed; considered interactive exercises posted on the website, which with semantic content help the formation of professionally oriented rhetorical competence of future teachers in teacher training colleges; and also describes the resources AnswerGarden, Slido, WordArt, which help the teacher to maintain feedback with students. It is emphasized that the use of appropriate exercises and other relevant tools allows students to develop rhetorical knowledge, linguistic awareness, critical thinking and influential speech ability, as well as media literacy skills. Prospects for the study of the problem of using electronic resources in the professional training of future teachers in pedagogical colleges for the formation of a competitive educator are determined.

PDF (Ukrainian)


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 Оксана Анатоліївна Кучерук, Ольга Іванівна Гилярська, Ольга Володимирівна Караман, Галина Романівна Корицька, Наталія Михайлівна Дика


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