The article substantiates the need for the formation of digital competence of future teachers of foreign languages (here and thereafter - teachers) as an important component of their professional competence. Taking into account the theoretical works of domestic and foreign scientists on the problem under study and the peculiarities of training teachers for professional activities in the context of the requirements of the New Ukrainian school, the concept of "digital competence of future teachers of a foreign language" is specified, its main structural components (motivational, content, operational) activity and personal-reflexive) are defined. Among the means, providing the formation of digital competence of teachers, the game simulators, considered in the context of obtaining professional experience, skills, and abilities. To determine the level of formation of digital competence of teachers, criteria (motivational, cognitive, operational-activational, reflexive-corrective) and indicators were developed, by which the levels of its formation (low, average, sufficient, high) were determined. To increase the level of formation of digital competence of teachers, game simulators, expedient for use in the process of their professional and pedagogical training, the content of the disciplines "Methods of teaching a foreign language in secondary school", "Innovative approaches to teaching foreign languages in high school", "Modern approaches to teaching foreign languages" was selected; forms, methods and ways of using game simulators in training teachers were developed and introduced. Based on the analysis of the results of the pedagogical experiment, the difference in the levels of formation of digital competence of teachers using game simulators in the experimental and control groups was proved, which confirms the effectiveness of formation of digital competence of teachers by game simulators.
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