This article reviews the possibility of using the Tinkercad Internet service for online study of the subjects connected with microprocessor systems. During the global coronavirus pandemic, online classes based on the Internet technologies have become virtually the only effective method of learning. However, while lectures can be taught successfully with the help of video conferences such as Zoom, Skype, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet etc., it is almost impossible to perform laboratory and practical work in the field of designing microprocessor systems with the help of these tools. Therefore, the authors suggest a new approach to practicums on the subjects related to microprocessor systems using tools of the Tinkercad Internet service. The existing methods and means of remote work with breadboard Arduino have been analyzed. The advantages of the Tinkercad Internet service in comparison with other tools of remote work have been disclosed. The service capability for microprocessor systems design has been considered. The article provides examples of elaborated lab works by means of the Tinkercad Internet service. Available capabilities and instruments in the system have been detailed. The process of learning based on the Tinkercad Internet service has been developed. Consequently, the use of the Tinkercad Internet service during e-learning gives the possibility to do lab works and microprocessor system design practicums without actual equipment, and the methods suggested by the authors assure the quality of students’ awareness in this direction. The prospective direction of this Internet service application can be the design of 3D printing models and their use during e-learning of other subjects, in particular Physics (Electrics section), Theoretical Basics of Electrical Engineering (DC section), as well as other sciences related to electronic circuit design.
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