The article reveals the specifics of creation, content, functions and value of the electronic information and bibliographic resource "Outstanding Educators of Ukraine and the World" of V. O. Sukhomlynskyi State Scientific and Pedagogical Library of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine in a comparative dimension with similar Ukrainian and foreign electronic biographical resources. The goals of the development of the electronic biographical resource have been formulated; the specifics of formation of its content and structure have been characterized; the importance of electronic biographical resources in the domestic and foreign educational and scientific space as a component of digital humanities has been substantiated. The influence of the use of electronic biographical resources on public opinion and on a person in the educational dimension has been investigated. It has been proven that in the context of the digital transformation of the scientific sphere and the integration of the Ukrainian education into the European educational and scientific space, the development of electronic information and specialized bibliographic resources, dedicated to well-known personalities in the sphere of education, history and culture, got significant repercussions. We have substantiated why the electronic resource "Outstanding Educators of Ukraine and the World", containing information about Ukrainian and foreign educators and public figures, is a unique specialist resource without analogues. It is a significant contribution to the development of digital pedagogical biographics and it makes it possible, through the prism of scientific biographies, to trace systematically the development of the Ukrainian and foreign education, pedagogical thought in both macrohistorical and microhistorical dimensions and to contribute to the restoration of the national pedagogical memory. The representation via the electronic resource of the generalized knowledge about the humanistic ideas of the Ukrainian and foreign educators and public figures of the past is of great importance for education in general, in particular for pedagogical education in Ukraine, namely in the system of professional training; it is a source of formation of a pedagogical worldview in students who will be teachers in the future, increasing their spiritual culture in the face of global civilizational challenges. We have revealed that the information and bibliographic resource requires further updating, taking into account the new achievements of the Ukrainian and foreign historical, educational and biographical studies and the latest information technologies. The priority tasks for improving the electronic resource have been identified, in particular: the prospects for the content and the ways of updating information and making qualitative changes in the functionality of the electronic educational resource.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Khrystyna V. Sereda, Larysa D. Berezivska, Olga P. Pinchuk, Svitlana M. Hopta, Yevgenia F. Demyda