Software platforms for e-learning support various options for presenting educational content. One of the ways to organize and structure it is via so-called pedagogical patterns. They are a method for describing and sharing knowledge and practical experience. Pedagogical patterns are used to describe pedagogical situations that occur repeatedly in the learning process. In the context of e-learning systems, there are various approaches to digitalization of pedagogical patterns. The purpose of the paper is to show how to build instances of pedagogical patterns using e-learning pedagogical objects, which can be easily and conveniently used as models in an adaptive e-learning environment. An e-learning pedagogical object is an abstract concept that can be presented in the concrete form of an e-learning object, an e-learning methodological object, an e-learning object for monitoring and diagnostics or an e-learning object with learning outcomes. These objects are building blocks for constructing instances of pedagogical patterns. This paper thoroughly discusses the issue of creating instances of pedagogical patterns of the four types of e-learning pedagogical objects. The instance of a pedagogical pattern is meant to serve to create subsections of educational topics. The instances of the patterns built of e-learning objects are learning units that are used depending on the context of a particular pedagogical situation.
The e-learning pedagogical objects and the pedagogical pattern instances are intended to be applied in an adaptive e-learning environment as teaching aids. Their theoretical models are applied in Moodle LMS in line with the tendency for software to assist and replace some of the teacher functions, while the teacher’s role is raised to a higher organizational, pedagogical and methodological level.
Three instances of pedagogical patterns have been created through e-learning pedagogical objects: “Early Feedback”, “Feedback Sandwich” and “Consistent Metaphor” in LMS Moodle, which have been tested in the training course “Modeling of training courses in Moodle” during the autumn trimester of the academic year 2021/2022 at the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
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