The peculiarities of the use of Internet resources in the process of teaching students for hotel and restaurant business in the process of their distance learning are revealed in the researching. Scientific publications were analyzed, in which the introduction of distance learning in general and in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic in particular was studied. The potential aspects of using Internet resources in educational process is considered. It includes the following opportunities: search for literature sources according research problem, synchronization of translation work from foreign sources, storage and accumulation of information, organization of communication, graphics, sound effects, distribution, planning, testing and implementation research results.
Students should be introduced to the organization of the educational process and material and technical base of the university in the process of distance learning are investigated in this article. In particular, it proposes to do with the help of created viber groups, introductory meetings in ZOOM, 3-D excursions. The study focuses on the use of Internet environments Moodle, ZOOM, Viber, and also revealed methodological aspects of the use of Internet sites in the process of distance learning of individual educational components of future hotel and restaurant professionals. Aspects of the use of the Internet resources during the introduction of students with the infrastructure of hotel and restaurant enterprises are also substantiated; the peculiarities of the organization of hotel and restaurant enterprise and catering are defined; the classification of hotel and restaurant enterprises, analysis of PR-technologies in the hotel and restaurant business are investigated. Approaches to the formation of knowledge the design of objects of the service sector, and training in graphic and design activities using the following software environments Kompass-3D, AutoCAD and NanoCAD are represented. The authors developed a model of using Internet resources in the process of professional training in hotel and restaurant business, which provides for the grouping of methodological aspects of the use of Internet sites in the process of studying disciplines in hotel and restaurant business. The positive and negative aspects of distance learning technology with the use of Internet resources are outlined.
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