Today, the old methods of management are transformed into qualitatively new achievements of management science. So, the question of the effectiveness of management of educational institutions is still open. One of the important areas of management reform is the use of the latest management technologies, such as information systems that are successfully integrated with proven management methods. The source of information for determining qualitative and quantitative indicators of the work of higher education institutions (HEI) should include special systems and services, which will provide the processing of indicators of scientific, educational, economic activities, etc. Indicators and criteria for their evaluation should be clearly defined and approved, and, accordingly, special algorithms and approaches to their calculation and analysis should be developed. Accordingly, the aim of the article is to suggest algorithms and tools for measuring quantitative and qualitative indicators of the work of HEI, and their implementation on the example of Kherson State University. In particular, the method of rating evaluation of research and teaching staff was considered in the paper. The main tools and technologies for automating the monitoring of research and educational personnel (REP) activities, as well as examples of their use, were described. The main feature of the described approach is the ability to ensure the automation and transparency of the main business processes of the HEI. Developed software, information, and analytical systems allow for assessing the qualitative and quantitative indicators of the HEI's work, taking into account its visibility in the domestic and international scientific and educational space, which includes the results of scientific activities (indicators for WoS, Scopus, etc.), educational activities indicators of graduates 'success, management of students' research works, student surveys, etc.).
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