Today, there is a tendency to expand programming, and programming languages are becoming simpler and more convenient. As a result, the number of programmers will increase. At the same time, the level of deep understanding of the basics of algorithmization will decrease. This is inevitable, but it is not a reason to abandon the study of modern high-level programming languages. The problem of choosing a programming language for learning the basics of algorithmization at the school is actual and complex. Based on the analysis of scientific publications and personal experience, the criteria for choosing a programming language as a means of learning the basics of algorithmization are determined: modernity, freeness, clarity, and conciseness. The choice of Python as a means of teaching the basics algorithmization is substantiated and certain of its characteristics are analyzed, which are illustrated by specific examples. To better understand the features of the Python language, the software implementation of algorithms is presented in parallel with the C ++ language. However, learning Python as the first programming language may raise some concerns. There are a dynamic typing of variables and a "too high" high-level of language. The main problem with learning the Python programming in schools is the lack of developed methods of teaching it, unlike Pascal. It is necessary to clarify what topics, and algorithms need to be studied in schools and how to form a sequence of topics and choose the appropriate teaching methods. It is better to focus on learning algorithms and developing skills for solving various problems that they will be able to use in practice in the future. Therefore, the main emphasis should not be on learning a particular programming language, but on learning the basics of algorithmization, and using a programming language as an aid. It is advisable to choose a programming language that is easy to read and easy to write. This will help increase the level of confidence of students who do not have very good knowledge of the basics of algorithmization and who in the future do not link their professional activities with programming. Further research will be aimed at developing methods for teaching the basics of algorithmization and programming using Python in computer science classes.
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