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online counseling
digital technologies
online communication
Certification training
practical psychologist

How to Cite

L. L. Familyarskaya and L. A. Klots, “USE OF DIGITAL VIDEO COMMUNICATION PLATFORMS FOR ORGANIZING PSYCHOLOGICAL COUNSELING ONLINE”, ITLT, vol. 92, no. 6, pp. 61–74, Dec. 2022, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v92i6.4908.


The article considers approaches to the modern communication construction and the organization of online counseling by a practical psychologist in a general secondary education institution due to conditions of quarantine restrictions and martial law. The ways of professional functions realization in synchronous interaction with use of web applications by the psychologist are offered. Significant differences between face-to-face and online counseling, which should be taken into account by specialists in providing services, are described. The peculiarities of using synchronous and asynchronous communication platforms for providing online high-quality psychological assistance to participants in the educational process are outlined. The work specifics of practical psychologists in the institution of general secondary education, the main tasks of individual and group process for online counseling are determined. The focus is on the practical psychologist's use of video platforms and applications as a tool for organizing the online counseling process. The realization of the author 's program of the practical psychologists advanced training in the synchronous mode of training is described. According to the results of the participants survey, it is found out that working conditions in the mode of synchronous communication set a new opinions, knowledge, skills, abilities, habits, change the level of professional competence and expand the scope of professional skills. The adaptation of the offline psychological counseling process to the conditions of its online conduct is outlined, which takes into account the peculiarities of the digital technologies integration into the cognitive and social system of the individual, which determines the digital expansion of communication. It has been found that in the process of modern online consultation using the capabilities of video communication platforms, the key dimensions of digital socialization of the individual are the mixed reality and virtuality of communication.

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A. Memon, A. Rigole, T. Nakashian, W. Taulo, C. Chávez, S. Mizunoya, “COVID-19: How prepared are global education systems for future crises?”, Innocenti Research Briefs, no. 21, 2020, [Online]. Available: (in English).

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