In the context of global challenges and unforeseen circumstances facing the Educational System, distance learning is becoming widely used and the weight and role of active independent educational and cognitive activity of students as an important condition for the formation of professional competence is growing. The article examines the problem of improving the organization of independent work of Masters of Physics, organized by cloud-oriented technologies, as a factor in the development of self-educational and digital competencies of Higher Education applicants.
Based on a review of a wide range of sources that highlight general approaches to the design and functioning of the Educational Environment in the context of informatization, it was found out that one of the most effective tools for organizing independent work of students today is the means of cloud-oriented technologies based on cloud computing.
The main directions of using cloud-oriented technologies in the process of independent work of Masters of Physics are defined: managing educational and cognitive activities, ensuring communication between subjects and organizing joint work, planning the educational process, continuous monitoring of learning results for higher education applicants, creating, editing, storing and presenting Educational materials, using cloud-based digital laboratories and services for processing experimental results.
Examples of using such cloud-based tools to support students' independent work are described, such as applications of the cloud-oriented Microsoft Office 365 software package, a cloud service for creating diagrams of various types Gliffy, a virtual online laboratory PhET Interactive Simulations, systems for modeling Wolfram Mathematica Online, Multisim Live.
The level of formation of skills of Masters of Physics to use cloud-oriented technologies to solve educational and scientific problems, create didactic support for the Educational Process in Physics is experimentally studied. Ways to improve them in the process of independent work as a means of developing the digital competence of Masters of Physics are proposed.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Микола Васильович Головко, Сергій Юрійович Крижановський, Віктор Михайлович Мацюк