Student nurses’ perceived learning satisfaction and learning engagement are related to experiences and expectations of the courses’ implementation and students’ commitment. Due to the sudden shift to online distance learning caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, it is challenging for Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to deliver quality instruction and achieved satisfaction of learning and engagement. This study was designed to appraise the correlation between apparent learning satisfaction and student nurses' learning engagement and to determine the aspects that were related to learning satisfaction and engagement in the implementation of Related Learning Experiences (RLE) of the nursing courses. This addresses many gaps in the literature regarding online distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic and provides HEIs that can lead to increased student satisfaction and engagement with online distance learning (ODL). This study was a descriptive-correlational research design. A total of 133 students completed the two sets of online questionnaires: the Satisfaction of online learning (SOL) and the online student engagement scale (OSE). Pearson’s correlations were utilized to look at the association between perceived learning satisfaction and learning engagement. A logistic regression model was employed to sightsee the associations of age, gender, year level, internet connectivity experience, and apparent learning satisfaction with higher learning engagement. The findings in the correlation among the OSE scores and mean perceived learning satisfaction was 0.36 (moderate degree of significance). Fifty-one students (38%) were classified as highly engaged (cut-off of ³ 3.5 for the OSE mean score). The mean perceived learning satisfaction score was insignificant between highly engaged and not highly engaged students. The logistic regression model presented that a better internet connectivity experience and apparent learning satisfaction were associated with an increase in the probability of higher learning commitment. The outcomes imply that perceived learning satisfaction and internet connectivity forecast learning commitment among student nurses in virtual learning.
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