The problem of loneliness in old age is updated, its causes are highlighted, including the loss of a spouse, relatives and friends. Statistical data on the negative impact of loneliness on the physiological and psychological changes of the personality are provided. After labor activity is over, a person has the right for a decent life, but neither their own children nor the state currently pay the necessary attention to the majority of elderly people.
The results of the study of the ideas of the elderly about the "ideal model of old age" in Poland and Ukraine are analyzed and the 4 most typical ones are selected - living with children; accommodation in specialized institutions; independent living and combined model. The assumption is substantiated that the desire for independent living and independence may be the reason for the increase in the number of elderly people who experience loneliness.
The insufficient level of solving the problem of loneliness in old age is noted and the search for innovative solutions based on the combination of modern psychological directions of helping the elderly and the latest technical achievements using artificial intelligence is suggested. Attention is focused on the fact that in the process of developing modern technical means aimed at helping the elderly, it is mandatory to observe ethical and psychological principles, the list of which is proposed to be supplemented. In particular, it is emphasized that it is important not to adapt a person to the requirements of electronics, but to teach electronic devices to "communicate" in human language and in a way that is convenient for people. Also, technical means should be available to different age categories of users equally, including the elderly.
In the context of adult education, the preparation of elderly people to use personal electronic assistants - virtual assistants to overcome loneliness - is gaining relevance. The results of the discussion aimed at developing the readiness of the elderly to use electronic devices based on artificial intelligence are given. The needs of elderly people are highlighted, which should be taken into account when developing personal virtual assistants, including basic life and health needs, social and communicative needs, as well as needs for cognition, development and self-realization of the personality.
It is concluded that training elderly people to use personal electronic assistants is an important component of modern adult education and an essential step for the psychological support of a large part of elderly citizens who have the right for a full life and self-realization in society.
Loneliness and Social Isolation Among Older People in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia Region // UNFPA EECARO and University College London, p. 40, Jan. 2022.
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