The training of an engineer at a technical university involves not only the mastering the theoretical knowledge by students, but also the acquisition of the ability to conduct the experimental research. The performance of laboratory work is the basis of such skills. Necessary social distancing during the Covid-19 pandemic forced educational institutions to switch to a distant form for all kinds of classes, including physics labs.
Conducting laboratory physics classes in synchronous distance learning mode requires the availability of computer programs that adequately model real laboratory equipment, materials for preparing and monitoring students’ readiness to perform laboratory research, as well as methodic for conducting online laboratory classes.
In this article we analyze the types of labs, the requirements for computer models of real physics labs and justify the use of the HTML5 and Java Script language to create virtual laboratories (VL) in physics for first-year students of all technical specialties studying under the bachelor's training program at the National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute». The expert evaluation showed the correspondence of the created VL to real prototypes. It is important for bringing the students’ perception of virtual objects closer to the perception of real ones. We also briefly describes the procedure for developing VL, created didactic materials (methodological guidelines, videos, test items) and the methodology laboratory classes in synchronous distance learning mode.
The use of the created VL and the developed methodology for conducting online laboratory exercises made it possible to overcome successfully the difficulties of organizing the educational process during the forced transition of students to distance learning.
T. de Jong, M. C. Linn, and Z. C. Zacharia, “Physical and virtual laboratories in science and engineering education” Science, vol. 340, no. 6130, pp. 305-308, 2013. [Електронний ресурс]. Доступно: https://users.gw.utwente.nl/jong/dejonglinnzacharia%20science.pdf. Дата звернення: травень 19, 2022.
W-K. Wong, K-P. Chen, and H-M. Chang, “A comparison of a virtual lab and a microcomputer-based lab for scientific modeling by college students”, Journal of Baltic Science Education, vol.19, no 1, 157-173, 2020. doi: https://doi.org/10.33225/jbse/20.19.157. Дата звернення: травень 19, 2022.
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O. V. Slobodyanyk, V. P. Fedorenko, V. O. Bolilyi, V. I. Dmytruk, and V. V. Kushnarov, “Research of the efficiency of using software products for simulation of physical processes”, Information Technologies and Learning Tools, vol.82, no.2, 199–214, 2021. doi: https://doi.org/10.33407/itlt.v82i2.4107. (in English).
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P. G. Crandall, C. A. O’Bryan, S. A. Killian, D. E. Beck, N. Jarvis, and E. Clausen, “A comparison of the degree of student satisfaction using a simulation or a traditional Wet Lab to teach physical properties of ice”, Journal of Food Science Education, vol.14, no 1, pp. 24-29, 2015. doi:https://doi.org/10.1111/1541-4329.12049. Accessed on: 6 May 2022. (in English)
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C-C. Liu et al. “Augmenting the effect of virtual labs with "teacher demonstration" and "student critique" instructional designs to scaffold the development of scientific literacy”, Instr Sci, vol.50, pp.303-333, 2022. doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/s11251-021-09571-4. (in English).
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