The article examines the ways and approaches to the formation of the digital competence of the teacher of the New Ukrainian School. The importance of the introduction of modern educational technologies into the educational process for the renewal of the Ukrainian school is indicated, and the role of a trained teacher in this process, who possesses a certain set of professional competencies and is able to generate them for those who study, is emphasized. The focus is on approaches to the formation of the teacher's digital competence, which requires personal development and continuous personal self-improvement from the teacher. It is indicated that the end-to-end application of digital technologies in the educational process should become a tool for improving the quality of the educational process. The analysis of scientific sources made it possible to assert that the professional growth of teachers in the conditions of digital education can be achieved thanks to the improvement of the qualifications of pedagogical workers. The Professional Standard for the profession "Teacher of a general secondary education institution" was analyzed, which includes a list of work functions and professional competencies, in particular, digital competence was singled out. It is well-founded that according to the Teacher's Professional Standard, the system of professional development should also be developed so that teachers can exercise their right to choose professional improvement and can make successful decisions about how and where to improve their qualifications. The Standard program for improving the qualifications of pedagogical workers for the development of digital competence, which was approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, was studied. The authors of the article have developed educational programs that ensure the development of the teacher's digital competence. Before choosing a certain educational program, the teacher is recommended to form an individual educational trajectory, outlining a goal for himself and identifying certain needs, motivation for professional growth. Course participants are teachers of various educational fields who choose a specific educational program completely independently and have the opportunity to combine the sequence of mastering one or another program. The article presents and analyzes the results of the self-assessment of the level of digital competence of teachers of various educational fields according to the proposed educational programs before the start of classes and after the completion of online courses, as well as visualization of the data.
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