This article is devoted to one of the urgent problems of today - the organization of the functioning of a general secondary education institution in emergency conditions (martial law, the COVID-19 pandemic). In particular, it concerns the selection of a digital learning management platform (LMS) for the implementation of electronic distance learning. Based on the analysis of scientific research and publications, available digital tools of educational interaction, the criteria and indicators for the selection of the necessary software by the educational institution are substantiated and described. In particular, the following criteria should be used to evaluate LMS: technological, operational, functional. Relevant indicators are the type of LMS (according to the model of the organization of activities - server or cloud), scalability and elasticity, integration with third-party applications, security and privacy, software updates; LMS specialization (taking into account the specifics of the activity of which type of educational institution the software tool was developed), available user groups, their maximum number, payment for use, interface language, limitation of the volume of file storage or downloadable files, availability of technical support and reference materials; the number of available functionalities and the quality of their implementation by the developer of the software tool. The importance of the proposed criteria and indicators was confirmed using the method of expert evaluation and relevant calculations using methods of mathematical statistics (Pearson's criterion), as well as the functions of the Microsoft Office Excel application (CHISQ.TEST). Further studies of the specified problem may relate to the refinement of the LMS evaluation algorithm based on justified criteria and relevant indicators for selecting the most effective software tool for the implementation of electronic distance learning by teaching staff of a general secondary education institution.
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