Analysis of current trends in the digitalization of inclusive education has been provided. It is highlighted, that today inclusive education in Ukraine is realized at all levels of education (preschool, general, secondary vocational and higher education) and creates a barrier-free environment of learning and vocational training of people with health disabilities (HD) and special educational needs (SEN). The potential of modern means of information and communication technologies (ICT), interactive and distance technologies in pupils’ with HD studying has been revealed. To submit the efficiency of realization of methodical bases in training of future primary school teachers for the formation of labor competences of pupils in conditions of educational inclusion through the use of means of ICT in the institutions of general secondary education (IGSE), an experiment has been organized. The experiment was consisted from several stages – preparatory (searching-organizational) stage (analysis of scientific literature), ascertaining experiment (establishing the current state of training of future primary school teachers for the formation of labor competences of pupils in conditions of educational inclusion through the use of means of ICT in the IGSE), forming experiment (realization of author’s pedagogical conditions in the educational process of the IHE of Ukraine), final (final-corrective) stage (concretization of dynamics of changes in forming components of readiness of future primary school teachers for the formation of labor competences of pupils in conditions of educational inclusion through the use of means of ICT in the IGSE in the conditions of traditional and experimental learning). Students of control groups studied due to the traditional system of future primary school teachers training. In the experimental groups were implemented methods of vocational training of future primary school teachers for the formation of labor competences of pupils in conditions of educational inclusion through the use of means of ICT in the IGSE by implementing competence, contextual, system approaches and the use of innovative methods during classes in a number of professionally oriented disciplines. The effectiveness of the experimental study has been confirmed by reliable indicators, which are verified using the methods of mathematical statistics.
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