The transition to distance and blended forms of education in most higher education institutions during the period of the COVID-19 pandemic, and then the actions of martial law in Ukraine prompted teachers to create their own electronic educational resources and electronic training courses, with the help of which the content of the academic discipline is transmitted. The article describes approaches to the evaluation of the quality of electronic educational courses. The main structural components of an electronic educational course for higher education institutions are distinguished: technical and technological, normative and organizational, methodical, substantive, result and evaluative, which can be considered factors affecting its quality. It was determined that the technical and technological factor is characterized by the possibility and convenience of installing electronic educational course on PCs and mobile devices, compatibility of electronic educational course with various operating systems availability and quality of instructions for installing/starting electronic educational course, availability of a description of technical characteristics of electronic educational course and contacts of its developer(s). The criteria of the regulatory and organizational factor are normative acts related to the educational course, reviews of the electronic educational course, questionnaires for applicants of higher education and teachers regarding the determination of the quality of the electronic educational course. Features of the methodological block are instructions for the electronic educational course users, methodological materials for students of higher education on the performance of the main types of tasks, methodological recommendations for the electronic educational course teacher, feedback. The content factor is characterized by lecture texts, presentations for each topic, multimedia materials, a terminological dictionary, tasks (practical, interactive, for independent work, creative, research), project works, reference materials, a list of main and additional sources, additional educational materials, a glossary.
A basic factor-criterion model for evaluating the quality of an electronic educational course for higher education institutions is proposed, which makes it possible to carry out an objective quantitative assessment of the quality of an electronic educational course and to identify possible shortcomings in order to eliminate them in time, which can be used during the development and evaluation of electronic educational courses for higher education institutions in various academic disciplines.
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