The paper examines the problem of blended learning modeling to ensure high-quality vocational training of specialists-to-be of various profiles at higher education institutions of Ukraine. The purpose of the research is to develop a model of blended learning for higher education institutions and to analyze the results of its implementation in the educational process. It was concluded that there are quite a few approaches to the development and practical implementation of blended learning models. In the paper blended learning is considered as a reasonable combination of the traditional educational process in classrooms with distance learning, students' self-study and the use of digital technologies, which takes place according to a certain scheme. The concepts of "blended learning" and "hybrid learning" as well as several existing models of blended learning are analyzed. The generalized model of blended learning at higher education institutions along with its visual representation has been developed. The implementation of this model allows practitioners to combine different types of educational activities in the process of face-to-face and remote classes in exactly the combination that is necessary to achieve the expected results under the conditions of a specific higher education institution. The results of a survey conducted at Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University are given. During the survey attention has been paid to the following aspects: how students understand the essence of blended learning as well as the difference between the use of distance learning elements in the face-to-face learning process and the full application of distance and blended learning technologies during quarantine; students' attitude to traditional, blended and distance learning; how students perceive the educational process organized on the basis of the proposed generalized model of blended learning. In addition, it has been found out which digital technologies are used at universities for the organization of blended learning. In general, according to the results of the survey, the expediency of using the developed model has been confirmed and promising directions of scientific research in the field of blended learning have been determined.
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