The article proposes and substantiates a method of development of soft skills in Computer Science bachelors using project-based learning technologies, as successful employment of graduates in the IT industry market depends on the level of such skills. Developed communication skills, teamwork, and the ability to plan work on a project are important requirements for university graduates’ successful employment in the IT industry. The formation and development of soft skills enables the students not only to meet the requirements of the labor market, but also to more successfully develop professional skills (hard skills). The authors propose indicators of soft skill formation by 5 categories: personal effectiveness, communicative, managerial, strategic and information management skills. The methodology of soft skill development for future specialists in information technologies is based on three stages, each of which involves the implementation of different types of projects: collective, term paper and interdisciplinary. The components of soft skills that are formed during each of the stages are determined. The research substantiates the integration of two learning technologies for the implementation of the proposed methodology – blended and project-based learning, which involve the use of digital technologies. During the experimental research, students independently assessed the level of their soft skill formation according to the defined indicators in line with the proposed categories on a 10-point scale. The results of the conducted experimental study proved the improvement of the level of soft skill formation in Computer Science Bachelors in the process of project training. The statistical analysis of the results of the experiment proved the significance of the proposed method and made it possible to confirm its effectiveness.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Olena G. Glazunova, Валентина Корольчук, Тетяна Волошина, Тетяна Вакалюк