Formation of the skills of conducting an experiment and analyzing its results during laboratory work in natural science has always been an important didactic problem, which has significantly increased in the conditions of distance and mixed learning. The study of approaches to the effective use of software for the analysis of video recordings of observations of real physical processes and phenomena is one of the tasks of instrumental digital didactics. The affordable and regularly updated software Tracker: Video Analysis and Modeling Tool is a popular didactic tool for the analysis of physical quantities based on the processing of static and dynamic images followed by comparison with the corresponding mathematical model. The rules for creating educational videos suitable for analysis in a digital environment are summarized. On the examples of laboratory classes on many topics of physics (mechanics, hydrodynamics, molecular and atomic physics, and optics) and astronomy, the general features of creating video recordings, laboratory works, and problem tasks based on video analysis are shown. The STEM laboratory of the Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine has created numerous reference videos about physical experiments and the rules for their use; a collection of video tasks was also created; innovative methods of educational physical experiments were developed. The methods of video analysis were tested during distance and mixed education in the conditions of threats, also in formal and informal education formats, such as the summer science school for students and the All-Ukrainian natural science online tournament "Open Natural Science Demonstration". Instrumental digital didactics is a component of training courses for teachers and is regularly discussed at seminars and conferences on science education. The stemua.science source of the "MANU" NC is popular among Internet users.
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