The article examines the expediency of using Google's digital tools to organize the educational process in crisis social situations. The periods of students’ training in higher education Ukrainian institutions are characterized, which is conditionally divided into three parts: pre-war, war and war, each of which faces different challenges, requirements and rules. The analysis of scientific sources made it possible to assert that in the crisis period it is necessary to organize distance learning in institutions of higher education, update case technologies as a renewed approach to teaching disciplines, as well as the formation of digital competence of future specialists. The impact of the war on the psychological state of the participants of the educational process, as well as physical weakness, which caused an unstable state of education at the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Russia, was analyzed. A pedagogically balanced system of organizational measures is recommended to reduce the negative impact on learning of various challenges associated with critical situations. It is emphasized that taking care of the safety of the subjects of the educational process, the use of distance learning is aimed at quick communication, operational planning and re-planning, documentation, storage and ensuring students' access to educational materials, diversification of ways to achieve results. It has been studied that Google's digital tools in crisis situations are convenient and simple for carrying out educational activities, which allow easy integration of the educational process into a distance format, and also contribute to the rapid adaptation of students to their use. The dynamics of success of students from the educational discipline "Information and Communication Technologies" during the crisis periods of society associated with the COVID-19 pandemic and the war were analyzed, which made it possible to assert the successful organization of the educational process in forced situations. A number of psychological support measures for students at Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University in Drohobytsk during the war are proposed. A pedagogical experiment was conducted, which proved that the balanced and specially organized use of digital tools provides an opportunity to focus attention on training during the war and not lose the ability to productive training, to ensure physical and psychological safety.
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