The article discusses the potential of the smartphone as a modern educational and learning tool. The purpose of the presented subject-oriented research was to study the personal and gender peculiarities of students' perceptions about the possibilities of forming and developing cross-cutting skills using smartphones as the most common means of independent/distance learning.
For the purpose of the study, the survey was conducted using the authors' questionnaire, which contained 23 items (descriptors of cross-cutting skills), which were assessed by the degree of agreement with the proposed statement on an ordinal Likert scale. The results of the survey (N=156) were analysed by gender using descriptive and factor analysis. The novelty of the study is based on the application of an instrumental and differential approaches to the study of the formation of cross-cutting skills as learning outcomes common to all subjects and consists in the identification of cross-cutting skills clusters components that are important for male and female students in terms of opportunities that arise from the using of smartphones. Based on the analysis of individual and generalized rank matrices by the relevant features, we identified the skills which development, according to the respondents, is facilitated by smartphone use and the skills which development is questioned by students. Based on the factor analysis, four-factor models of cross-cutting skills that are important for respondents, which, in the opinion of students, are formed as a result of using smartphones, were created. Comparison of the characteristics of the assessment objects in the respective factor spaces made it possible to identify gender differences in students' perceptions of the impact of smartphones on learning outcomes. Based on analysis of the identified advantages and disadvantages of using smartphones for students' mastery of cross-cutting skills, practice-oriented conclusions are proposed that can be used in developing methodological recommendations for effective methods, tools and means of forming and assessing cross-cutting skills.
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