The article deals with the development and implementation of information systems for managing the activities of a higher education institution under the conditions of digital transformation. In recent years, in the conditions of increased competition, an important feature of the field of higher education is a systematic approach to the automation of management of all processes that take place in it. Digitalization of these processes is one of the most effective tools. The purpose of the study is to generalize 20 years of experience in forming the «Electronic University» information system of the Khmelnytskyi National University to determine recommendations for integrated information systems for computer support of administrative and educational activities of higher education institutions. Issues of rational organization of university management and the educational process using modern information technologies were discussed. The main business processes and the functional structure of the information system, the main tasks that the information system solves, the adopted architectural decisions, the principles of building an effective database structure, development tools, generating reports, programming languages, etc. are considered. There is a justified need and the possibility of storing data that reflects the history of all changes. This provides the possibility of obtaining a slice of data or the state of an information object at any moment by means of calculations in the database. It makes it possible to get any statistics for any interval or at any time. On the basis of the automated system for organizing the educational process «Electronic University» an automated approach to the formation of working curricula of a higher education institution is proposed, taking into account the implementation of students' free choice of some disciplines. Ensuring the reliability of the functioning of the information system is an extremely urgent issue. Instead of expensive hardware cluster solutions, a combination of replication and load balancing is proposed. This allows you to significantly increase the productivity of the entire information system and its efficiency, ensuring constant round-the-clock user access with only two servers. Many years of experience in building the IT infrastructure of the university, methodical and technological developments are described, as well as appropriate recommendations are provided. Innovative management of the educational process contributes to the optimization of the educational process and high-quality training of specialists at Khmelnytskyi National University.
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