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blockchain technology
information systems and technologies

How to Cite

V. A. Yalanetskyi, “‘BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY’ DISTANCE COURSE FOR ENGINEERING SPECIALTIES”, ITLT, vol. 94, no. 2, pp. 150–163, Apr. 2023, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v94i2.5129.


The article describes the development of the distance course of the pilot selective educational component “Blockchain Technology”, a description of its structure and the main aspects of the computer workshop. The course was developed to eliminate the shortage of competencies in the field of blockchain technologies at the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”. The course includes a set of presentations and lectures, methodological guidelines for laboratory work with examples of implementation in the Python and Java languages, and tasks for laboratory work. During the creation of the pilot course, the syllabus of the discipline was developed for the first time, its content was filled, and the method of teaching the discipline was proposed. The main emphasis of the discipline is aimed at practical training in blockchain programming with modern tools and frameworks. The software development of the basic components of the blockchain is as close as possible to the real Bitcoin blockchain. This generates new professional skills and abilities in students for the future professional solution of deployment and maintenance of blockchain ecosystems in business, production and education. The article provides fragments of software solutions for the development of blockchain components. Educational and methodical materials are uploaded using cloud-based technologies in the teacher's account Google Classroom, which is integrated with the “Sikorsky” distance-learning platform. Such a flexible organization of resources makes it possible, depending on the work programs of the faculties, to choose appropriate course topics and supplement the topics with the necessary regulatory documentation and task options. As an experiment, the educational discipline was implemented as a selective one into the educational process at the Faculty of Informatics and Computer Engineering. The application of the pilot course in the educational process yielded a high level of interest in the field of Blockchain among students, as well as an increase in the quality of future IT engineering specialists.

PDF (Ukrainian)


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