The article deals with the information and learning environment as a component of integral training system of the educational system in higher education institutions. The main function of the information and learning environment, which is ensuring the coordinated functioning of subjects of educational activity, has been established. The concept of «effective information and learning environment» has been introduced. It is defined as the ability to ensure high-quality, mutually coordinated functioning of students, teachers and information and learning environment as a network subject of the educational process. The pedagogical conditions for the effective functioning of the information and learning environment as a network subject of the educational process have been identified , namely: existence of vividly structured system of information and learning environment as the subject of the educational interaction with taking into consideration its hierarchical links to other components of the educational process in higher education institutions; purposeful training of students for the fluent operation of information and communication tools; improvement of the IT competence of research and teaching staff in the implementation of teaching methods based on modern information and computer technologies.
The effectiveness of the suggested methodological system for the improving the IT competence of research and teaching staff of higher education institutions has been developed and experimentally confirmed. The following approaches are considered to be dominant in its construction: holistic, competence-futurological, andragogical and narrative-digital. The core idea is the idea of content modelling based on the combination of key competences of the 21st century «4 С» (critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, communication) with digital competence and the ability to predict the possibilities of developing a modern educational environment in the future. The basis of the methodological system is the introduction of a scientific and methodological seminar on the topic «The Use of activity components and online communications of the Moodle system», which is considered to be an element of non-formal education of teachers. Criterion apparatus of the determining of the effectiveness of its introduction has been developed: subjective and objective criteria and indicators. It has been determined that it is appropriate to use the «didactic quality» criterion to determine the quality of content.
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