The subject of consideration is the organization of space that simplifies the learning process for a person in accordance with modern trends and requests for methods of short-term training or obtaining an education. In a narrow sense, the potential of learning in an immersive synthetic educational space consisting of a VR component and a real (physical) space is investigated.
It is shown how the user organizes training in a space where virtual and real elements are presented. A multi-role model of user path analysis is proposed. In this model, it is assumed that a person can simultaneously move along several educational pathes. We can analyze these path separately by belonging to a certain role.
Based on the conducted analysis, a model of immersive synthetic educational space (Immersive synthetic educational space - ISES) is proposed. The model provides the creation of virtual (VR) quasi-images for real (RR — Real Reality) educational subspaces and laboratories. A step-by-step algorithm for creating synthetic VR subspaces for individual laboratories is shown. The information structure supporting the immersive synthetic educational space is considered. The information structure includes a list of virtual laboratories, tables of artifacts, rules, methods of activity, interests, knowledge, etc. Information infrastructure, when constantly used by many participants, provides cross-references that significantly contribute to learning.
The generalized path of the user's training is shown, where presented two examples of a user journey. The cases show the distribution of educational activities in the virtual and real subspaces.
Further research is planned to focus on studying the practices of using an immersive synthetic educational space for self-directed learning. Currently, a prototype of the virtual component and physical space is being developed for testing interaction mechanisms.
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