The article is devoted to the problem of development of student's ability to resist information influences at the level of an educational institution. According to the results of the analysis of theoretical sources, it was found that in the conditions of the multiplicity of existing and potentially possible information threats in society, the need to reduce the negative impact of information resources on young people is increasing. In the conditions of military aggression by the rf and its waging of a hybrid war, there is a risk under the influence of information to become a target for manipulation, not to recognize information attacks and become a tool in the hands of the enemy, spreading dubious content and fakes. To identify the practical state of development of the problem, a survey was conducted and its analysis was presented. The analysis confirmed the authors' expectations regarding the trustworthiness of youth to information content and the fragmentation of young people's ideas about the possible negative impact of information technologies, computer applications, social networks and services on their worldview. According to the results of the study of the opinion of teachers/lecturers regarding the ability of young people to resist informational influences and the content analysis of scientific sources, the concept of "ability to resist informational influences" was specified at the level of skills (the ability to take a responsible attitude to the consumption of informational content; the ability to counteract destructive influences based on emotional coloring (psychological manipulations, propaganda, disinformation, etc.); the ability to verify media products for their critical evaluation; the ability to protect one's own information space). The need to develop methodical tools for their formation (forms, methods and means of formation of each skill) is substantiated. The results of a pedagogical experiment to confirm the effectiveness of the developed methodical tools are presented. Statistical analysis was based on the application of the non-parametric sign test. According to the results of the experiment, it was found that the ability to counteract destructive influences based on emotional coloring and the ability to protect one's own information space under the influence of appropriate methodological tools are developed to a greater extent than the ability to take a responsible attitude to the consumption of information content and the ability to verify media products for their critical evaluation. The developed methodical tools can be adapted to curricula of various specialties and integrated into educational disciplines for mastering digital technologies and tools. The development and implementation of information hygiene courses on the basis of the described methodical tools is considered expedient.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Юлія Олександрівна Руденко, Марина Григорівна Друшляк, Володимир Григорович Шамоня, Марія Михайлівна Острога, Олена Володимирівна Семеніхіна