The article highlights the creation and the use of the information and digital environment of a modern general secondary school. The components of the environment are highlighted and the main organizational and pedagogical conditions of its use are described. The approaches proposed by the authors to the internal organization and conditions of use of the environment are in line with a number of international and European documents, in particular the Digital Education Action Plan (2021-2027), which is an updated political initiative of the European Union; the conclusions and recommendations of the pilot program for assessing the digital readiness of Ukrainian general secondary education institutions SELFIE, as well as using the results of the 2022 All-Ukrainian survey of teachers regarding readiness and needs for using digital tools to organize distance learning. The concept of the information and digital environment of the of general secondary school is defined as a systematically organized set of information resources, with the technical, technological, educational, methodological, communication and activity-based support of the educational system, based on the use of digital technologies; aimed at organizing the interaction between the subjects areas of educational process and external stakeholders, and at the effective implementation of educational activities, according to the principles of non-discrimination and diversity of students, taking into account the their needs and opportunities. A model of the information and digital environment of the of general secondary school is proposed. It contains: goals and tasks of the information and digital environment of the of general secondary education institution, target groups, content, organizational, activity, social, communicative, and technological components, as well as a component of monitoring the quality of the organization of the educational process in the environment. Attention is focused on supporting inclusive education in an educational institution as an important element of the content component, which corresponds to the principles of non-discrimination, consideration of the diversity, effective involvement and inclusion of all its participants into the educational process. The procedure for creating and using the information and digital environment of the of general secondary education institution is outlined, the conditions for its successful functioning are highlighted: accessibility, pedagogical expediency, technological saturation, web orientation, user-friendliness, competence orientation, personal orientation, democracy, friendly environment, multiculturalism.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Оксана Василівна Овчарук, Оксана Сергіївна Товканець, Ольга Павлівна Пінчук, Ірина Володимирівна Іванюк, Олена Олександрівна Гриценчук, Сніжана Валеріївна Трикоз