The article deals with the possibility of forming a health-preserving educational environment of an educational institution, which will ensure the possibility of conducting a quality educational process directly on the premises of the institution while studying the physiological state of the participants in the educational process and determining the quality of the air in the premises where they are located. The proposed conceptual model of the health-preserving information and digital environment of a higher education institution during the period of quarantine restrictions consists of five interrelated components (target, technological, information and digital, pedagogical, and resultant). This model is specific, as it consists of components that are different, including physiological indicators of human health and indicators of the air condition in the classroom of the higher education institution where the facility is located. The target component defines the goal, which is to design the health-preserving information and digital environment of a higher education institution during the quarantine period. The technological component consists of two recording devices located in the classroom of a higher education institution: one of them is "responsible" for collecting and transmitting data on the health status of students, and the other is responsible for collecting and transmitting data on the air in the classroom. In combination, the teacher, having access to the transmitted data, will be able to respond promptly to changes in the air and to atypical manifestations of indicators in students. The information and digital component consists of two blocks: a database and an information page that displays the collected and transmitted data. The information page is designed to visually display the relevant data read by the recording devices and transferred to the database. The pedagogical component involves the pedagogically balanced and appropriate use and interpretation of the results that have been entered into the database and displayed (entering data at the beginning of classes, data processing: determining where, when, and which person had an abnormal value of certain indicators, identifying possible pathological conditions, identifying students and/or audiences that may pose potential threats, determining an action plan to further ensure a safe educational process on the information page, creating a methodology for using the information on the information page). In this case, the academic staff member plays a supporting role to control the situation in general. The resultant component determines the outcome that the design of this environment is aimed at.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Tetiana A. Vakaliuk, Oleg M. Spirin, Tetiana М. Nikitchuk, Karina S. Zbun