The article contains an analysis of the current state of pedagogical research on the implementation and use of cloud-based systems in education. According to the results of psychological and pedagogical studies, the degree of the subject matter elaboration in the domestic and foreign educational space is determined. By means of cloud-oriented systems of open science, training and professional development of teachers can be organized and practically implemented. In the context of education reform, requiring methodical, organizational, and scientific-methodical support for the use and implementation of computer technologies, the conducted research is aimed at the development of cloud-oriented systems of educational institutions digitalisation. The combination of cloud technologies and open science provides new insights for their use in improving the qualifications of teachers. Competence in open science, within the scope of this study, is interpreted in a broad sense (it is the ability of a person based on knowledge, abilities, skills and personal attitude to successfully carry out research activities in accordance with the principles of open science), as a component of the professional competencies of a teacher of natural and mathematical subjects for further work in a scientific lyceum. The main components of competence in open science were determined within the framework of this study and separated into four components. A cloud-oriented methodical system was designed and implemented. The pedagogical experiment was specially planned and conducted in order to test the effectiveness of the cloud-oriented methodical system. The target group of the pedagogical experiment: teachers of natural and mathematical subjects. The number of experiment participants is: 536 teachers (experimental groups: 395 trainees, control groups: 141 trainees of professional development courses). The pedagogical experiment was conducted in four stages: preparatory, ascertaining, formative and control. The effectiveness of the developed methodical system was proven thanks to the increase of individual components of competence in open science. The obtained results, according to the data analysis of the formative experiment, were statistically confirmed using Fisher's test.
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