This article deals with the problem of forming digital competence in the modern information space. The necessity to form digital competence is substantiated. The article considers the regulatory documents of the state level to ensure the activities within the structures that define the framework for digital competence and the blocks related to key competences. It is proved that the current educational informatization in Ukraine requires the formation of such an important professional competence component as the students' digital competence. The definitions: "digital competence", "digital literacy" and their interrelation in the context of the study are outlined. Attention is focused on the formation of these categories in the educational sphere, in particular, among high school students. The authors present an analysis of the tools used to determine the level of digital competence and, in particular, the modified tools "digigram" and "digital competence wheel", the Digital Competence resource, on the basis of which their own test was built to determine the level of the studied competence in pupils in grades 10-11 of three lyceums in Zhytomyr region. The following indicators were analysed to take into account the accompanying factors that contribute to a more effective formation of digital competence: gender distribution of survey participants, their academic performance, the level of control over the use with gadgets by parents, screen time for using devices, the self-assessment level within the defined competence and the awareness level of high school students with the components of digital competence.
The article provides examples suggested topics for consideration in the study of information science disciplines and information resources that will contribute to a higher level of development of high school students' digital competence. The authors give advice to teachers when planning the educational process that will contribute to the development of the studied competence, in particular, the active use of teaching methods and the integration with educational components.
The study confirms the potential of digital competence as a necessary ability to navigate the information space, receive information and operate with it in accordance with one's own needs and the requirements of a modern high-tech society.
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