The article deals with the problem of teaching foreign language writing to the students of higher educational institutions in the context of intercultural communication. The difficulties encountered by the subjects of the educational process during the formation of communicative abilities in a foreign language written communication have been indicated, and the way of solving the problem with the help of Internet technologies as a means of organizing the educational process of teaching writing to students of higher educational institutions has been proposed. The emphasis has been put on the formation of intercultural competence in the context of written communication activity in a foreign language. The professional literature on the problem has been analyzed and the advantages of Internet technologies as a learning tool have been clarified, in particular blog-, tandem-, postcrossing technologies for optimizing the educational process of the students of higher educational institutions in the course of writing activity inside or outside the classroom. The advantages of Internet teaching technology have been indicated and compared with the main learning tool – a textbook. The paper outlines the place and role of blog, tandem and postcrossing as learning tools in written communication at the intercultural level. The goals and objectives of Internet technologies with corresponding strategies have been specified. The article presents didactic possibilities of using blog-, tandem-and postcrossing technologies for the formation of intercultural aspect of written communication of higher educational institutions’ students. The empirical research with the help of diagrams based on the survey of the students of different specialities at four Ukrainian universities has been described. The novelty of the study lies in the use of innovative technologies for teaching and learning a foreign language and culture in the context of a cultural approach to the formation of written communication skills in a foreign language at the level of intercultural communication.
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