The COVID-19 pandemic brought about significant challenges for educators, particularly in ensuring the uninterrupted flow of education. In response, various upskilling initiatives were launched to help teachers adapt. However, these initiatives shifted to a virtual format due to lockdown measures. This shift presented new hurdles for teachers who needed to acquire the knowledge and skills essential for effective online teaching. This paper aims to provide an overview of an open online course attended by teachers in the Philippines to enhance their online teaching capabilities. Specifically, this study assesses the teachers' motivation for participating in the training, aptitude for online learning, and satisfaction with the training program. This online upskilling course ran for nine weeks. The core objective of this training program was to equip these educators with literacy and knowledge-deepening skills in online distance teaching. The participants comprised educators from primary and higher education institutions in the Philippines. To gather data, we administered online survey questionnaires. Two hundred fifty-nine teacher-respondents actively participated and enrolled in this open online course. The results of the study yield a noteworthy finding. The overall mean training motivation score of 1.31 suggests that teachers are highly motivated to improve their online teaching skills. However, when their aptitude was assessed using the Test for Online Learning Success Self-assessment by Kerr Rynearson, the respondents achieved an average score of 167.75, indicating a deficiency in online learning skills. Despite this skill gap, the respondents expressed high satisfaction with the online upskilling they received. These findings highlight the urgent need to equip teachers with the essential skills and knowledge required for effective online teaching, especially as online learning remains a pivotal platform for continuous professional development. Addressing the deficit in online learning skills while sustaining high motivation and satisfaction among teachers should be a top priority in future education initiatives.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Dave E. Marcial, Jan Cynth Palama, Fredlie Bucog, Steven Binarao