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asynchronous learning mode
video conference
distance learning
online learning
quality education
Microsoft Teams

How to Cite

Y. Yanenko, “USING MICROSOFT TEAMS IN ONLINE LEARNING OF STUDENTS: METHODICAL ASPECT”, ITLT, vol. 100, no. 2, pp. 72–91, Apr. 2024, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v100i2.5508.


The article presents the main tools, methods and techniques for using Microsoft Teams in online teaching of students, as well as detailed methodical recommendations for teachers on organizing the educational process using Microsoft Teams, based on the author’s practical experience. These recommendations allow readers to more easily master the features of working in Teams, which determines the practical value of the article. A model for using Teams in online student learning has been created. It has been found that by using Teams, the teacher can take into account the peculiarities of synchronous and asynchronous ways of submitting assignments by students, as well as the possibility of submitting missed topics of practical classes. Among the main advantages, it is also noted that Teams provides for the creation and posting of the main types of educational materials, including recordings of video lectures, practical tasks and tasks for independent work, current student grades, tests, final grades, etc. The article notes that Teams is well integrated with the main Microsoft 365 applications, including PowerPoint, Word, etc., which is an advantage for the effective organisation of the educational process, as these applications are quite sufficient for teachers to demonstrate presentations at lectures via video conferencing, as well as for them to check the tasks completed by students in the format of text or presentations. Particular attention is paid to identifying the most important features of a teacher's work in Teams, such as the need to create separate teams for each discipline, connecting students to discipline teams using existing corporate university accounts in Microsoft, the ability to post various types of educational materials, commenting and evaluating completed assignments by the teacher. In conclusion, the main advantage of using Microsoft Teams in online learning is the ability to organise the learning process using a single platform. As a result, the structured nature of educational materials using Teams can be one of the most important factors in improving the quality of students' education in online learning.

PDF (Ukrainian)


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M. Tran, “Microsoft Teams in the context of freshmen ELF learning”, AsiaCALL Online Journal, 12 (2), p. 12-23, 2021.


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B. Marcinkovic, B. Abersek, I. Pesek, “The satisfaction of primary school teachers with the introduction and use of ms teams in distance education”, 44th International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO), p. 694-698, 2021. doi: Accessed on: Nov 08, 2023. (in English)

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M. Krasna, I. Pesek, “Influence of Moodle and MS Teams on teaching-learning-studying (TLS) processes”, 43rd International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO), p. 612-616, 2020. (in English)

L. Al-Qoran, O. Salem, N. Gordon, “Heuristic Evaluation of Microsoft Teams as an Online Teaching Platform: An Educators' Perspective”, Computers, 11 (12), р. 175-187, 2022. doi: Accessed on: Nov 08, 2023. (in English)

P. Davidson, E. Long, A. Molnar, T. M. Chui, C. Y. Ting, “MS Teams and Google classroom: Preliminary qualitative comparisons & user feedback”. In 5th Pre-University Sunway Academic Conference 2018. Selangor. р. 38-45, 2018. (in English)

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V. Florjancic, L. Wiechetek, “Using Moodle and MS Teams in higher education-a comparative study”, International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 31 (2), p. 264-286, 2022. doi: Accessed on: Nov 08, 2023. (in English)

A. AlAdwani, A. AlFadley, “Online Learning via Microsoft Teams during the COVID-19 Pandemic as Perceived by Kuwaiti EFL Learners”, Journal of Education and Learning, 11 (1), p. 132-146, 2022. (in English)

A. Nawi, U. Hamidaton, “Exploring student’s readiness and behavioural towards virtual learning via Microsoft Teams”, Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 7 (2), p. 1-12, 2022. doi: Accessed on: Nov 08, 2023. (in English)

S. Hai-Jew, “Evaluating MS Teams for teaching and learning”, C2C Digital Magazine, 1 (13), р. 7-14, 2020. (in English)

M. Louis, D. Tapp, “Teaching with Teams: An introduction to teaching an undergraduate law module using Microsoft Teams”, Innovative Practice in Higher Education Journal, 3 (3), p. 58-66, 2019. (in English)

O. M. Khomik, N. O. Byelikova, S. Ya. Indyka, O. M. Kovalchuk, “Using the Microsoft Teams platform for teaching students with disabilities”, Information Technologies and Learning Tools, 87 (1), p. 306-319, 2022. doi: Accessed on: Nov 08, 2023. (in Ukrainian)

A. S. Situmorang, “Microsoft teams for education sebagai media pembelajaran interaktif meningkatkan minat belajar”, Sepren, 2 (1), р. 30-38, 2020. (in English)

B. N. Ilag, A. M. Sabale, “Microsoft teams overview”. In Troubleshooting Microsoft Teams: Enlisting the Right Approach and Tools in Teams for Mapping and Troubleshooting Issues. Berkeley, CA: Apress, p. 17-74, 2022. (in English)

M. Hubbard, M. J. Bailey, D. A. Hess, M. Hellebro, “Teams for Education”, Mastering Microsoft Teams: End User Guide to Practical Usage, Collaboration, and Governance, p. 183-204, 2021. (in English)

S. Luna, “Microsoft Teams vs Zoom in Online Learning: A Side-by-Side Comparison”, Elearninginside, 2020. [Online]. Available: Accessed on: Nov 08, 2023. (in English)

I. Sarerusaenye, I. Shahrinaz, “Teaching approach using microsoft teams: case study on satisfaction versus barriers in online learning environment”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1874 (1), p. 12-19, 2021. (in English)

M. Tran, “Microsoft Teams in the context of freshmen ELF learning”, AsiaCALL Online Journal, 12 (2), p. 12-23, 2021. (in English)

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Copyright (c) 2024 Yaroslav Yanenko


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