The article analyzes the content and specifics of Denmark's open educational electronic databases with the aim of adapting the existing Danish experience to the processes of digitization of the educational sphere in Ukraine. It was noted that these processes cover the sphere of the state policy of digitization of the educational realm (organizational, methodical, management, monitoring, accumulative mechanisms), education management (data storage to reflect the history of changes, monitoring of existing services and education quality control systems, accumulation of statistical data and their prognostic analysis), methodical support of the process of forming the digital competence of the educational process’ subjects (building information profiles, developing digital didactic subsystems, increasing the level of competitiveness of educational institutions as providers), the scientific sphere (digitalization of the open scientific environment, building a space of academic integrity, cooperation between scientists and stakeholders).
The common characteristics of the National Electronic Research and Information System URIS and the Danish educational database MED were analyzed. A vision model of the MED database (subjects of educational activity and the content of their activity) was built. The structure of monitoring the quality of education in Denmark, based on open electronic databases, is presented; it includes evaluation of the professional activity of teachers, compliance of educational programs with the social order, effectiveness of state/regional types of certification of graduates, standardization and unification of the evaluation system, mandatory regional analysis of statistical data. It was noted that the identified problems and shortcomings of computer testing of school graduates in the context of assessing the quality of their activities became a significant motivating factor for the creation of the MED database.
The conclusion was formulated that the open electronic database makes it possible to build statistically substantiated correlations between the existing social characteristics of teachers and students of all levels and types of schools. The main advantages of the created open MED database were noted: compliance with the global requirements for the assessment of the "added value of the teacher", high frequency of data collection, prognostic nature of conclusions regarding the formation of the state's educational policy.
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M. G. A. de Castro and F. J. Garcia-Penalvo, “Successful Erasmus+ Projects: Some Case Studies”, in LCT 2022: 9th Int. Conf., HCII 2022: 24th HCI Int. Conf., 2022, Proceedings, Part I, pp.391–405, Jun. 2022. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-05657-4_28. (in English).
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